

By Liku Layuk Allo - May 31, 2009

This week has passed by too-much-sleep, too-much-play, and too-much-sweets. :(
but along my laziness, at least Esa*my college friend* and me done something functionable. :D

this is what we've got in Esa's room. well, it's mixed of Esa's homework-trash and her brother's puzzle. :D

and look what we've got.

Hehehe.. happy. Will try it again with more prepared-stuffs! :D

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  1. lucu... i tried make one of those once. i failed, it was disgustingly messy and gluey. ew.

    bkinin dunks! hahahaha

  2. really ?? thanksss
    mungkin krn trbiasa mka jug brgaul sama lem dan sampah kak. hhe
    bneran nih? mau ta'bkinin? takutnya nd selera sm karyaku yg aneh..gahahaha
