Little House on The Prairie

By Liku Layuk Allo - August 07, 2011

Little House on the Prairie is the fictionalized real-life experiences of a girl named Laura Ingalls. Laura Ingalls and her family lived as pioneer people of American. First, they leave their little house in the Big Woods of Wisconsin and set out for Kansas. They travel for many days in their covered wagon until they find the best spot to build their little house on the prairie. Soon they are planting, hunting wild ducks and turkeys, and gathering grass for their cows. Sometimes pioneer life is hard, but Laura and her folks are always busy and happy in their new little house. There are hard times, but they are always full of hope and love. She was living a happy childhood while she also worked hard to help her parents. The whole story is about Laura’s life until she become mature, married to Almanzo Wilder, and have her daughter Rose.

I know the Little House series is considered "children's literature," but I consider it to be some of the finest children’s book anywhere. I found this book on the shelf of my elementary school’s library. I was around 9 or something. I take it home, and I never return it back. It doesn’t matter how old I get, they just keep getting better and better. The way it written is so simple. I can imagine everything happened in Laura’s life. She does a good job expressing the family dynamic and even going to show herself truthfully with all of her faults.

In fact the book touched my nine-year old heart that I guess still exists somewhere inside of me. That part of me still loves to play with dogs and run with the little rabbits and run barefoot in the long prairie grass. That part of me wants to lying in grass and look at the stars and listen to my dad songs in the moonlight. And that part of me knows that my Mother and Father will protect me and teach me all the wisdom I’ll need to know. These books are really personal for me. When I reread this book as an adult, I found I was just as moved and taken with her writing as I had been at ten. These books are simply mind-blowing. I hope I can get the whole collection soon, since I lost my books long time ago, and just start collect it again lately. Amen.

"It is the simple things in life that make living worthwhile – sweet fundamental things such as love."

Laura Ingalls Wilder

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  1. Argh... suka ku ini buku :) bersama lima sekawan ini buku wajib punya ~(^O^)~ *segera dalam proses melengkapi*
