One piece is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Eiichiro Oda. It’s about Monkey D. Luffy, a teenage boy out to find the legendary treasure known as One Piece and become the King of Pirates. He is also unique - Luffy is literally made of rubber, and able to perform feats of physical skill which would be impossible. With his ability and eccentric crew, he goes off seeking the Grand Line, where this treasure is supposedly hidden.
I’ll work my way to share my own personal perspective :
· The plot - I never have seen something with the ‘adventure’ feeling to it like One Piece. I know many anime are about travelling and there are many anime with Samurai, Ninja, and Fighters who transform into such and such. I’m not saying that these anime are BAD it’s just that they get repetitive plot, because they usually know where they're going. But One Piece just keeps sailing on not knowing which island they will land on next. The goals are set but not the path. So its a huge adventure just that way.
· The villain - Oda is very good at making you hate people quickly. He’s very creative in making villains, most of the villains have reasons somehow reasonable behind their actions, ex: Arlong because of the racism between humans and fishmen, Crocodile fought to gain control over Pluton in order to be able to defeat the World Government, and so on.
· The comedy - One Piece manages to be VERY comedical without making itself look stupid. It is soo funny... but still manages to focus on the storyline and make the characters look cool
· The friendship – I love the most the way that Luffy has to find a crew, each crew member has something special about them, their own dream, their own past and how they all get along and pull through when times are bad. They always make me in a happy mood and some of the lines the crew say about each other can be quite touching at times, especially when Luffy says it because he cares about his crew and the fact that he needs all of them to achieve his dream. Master Oda made lots of memorable scenes, memorable quotes that we can’t forget because it is so deeply said, and it’s not in the ‘cheesy’ way at all. Sometimes some of the emotional scene can lead me to tears!!

Monkey D. Luffy
(captain of the Strawhat Pirates / Kelompok Bajak Laut Topi Jerami)
Luffy is a kind of person that: "So, we just have to kick his ass right?"

The crew of Strawhat Pirates
The Wanted Posters
Every famous pirate will gain some bounty according to their action and damage they made. It is the Marines whom sets the nominal for each pirate

pics taken from Google
“When a guy gets flustered because someone calls him weak, it's proof that he recognizes he IS weak. Let the outcome determine the weak and the strong” - Don Krieg
“A man forgives a woman's lies” / Adalah tugas seorang pria untuk memaafkan kebohongan wanita – Sanji
“I've set myself to become the King of the Pirates...and if I die trying...then at least I tried!” - Monkey D. Luffy
“Listen up... You can pour drinks on me, you can throw food at me... You can even spit on me. I'll just laugh that stuff off. But... Good reason or not... Nobody hurts a friend of mine!!!”- Shanks