Where I Have Been
By Liku Layuk Allo - July 18, 2012
Hello.. It’s been
a while since I have free time to write again. With no doubt, the last
few months became one of the busiest time of my life. Done this and that, found
myself trapped in activity that disallow me to spend a little break and try to
write some things for you.. When I had some free times, I spent most of them to
sleep and playing games.. I wish I did some sport instead.. Because you know,
my mirror can’t fool me, and I realize that I’m getting fatter each day! I mean
not the fat like the really ‘fat’ one,
you know.. But I gain weights and calories :I
Ah, and now I can solemnly
say that I am grateful to sit in front of my desk now and write this post without any rush of other duties. A pleasant night, free-mind-me. With John Mayer’s
Born and Raised on playlist(my current favorite album), here I am J
The first
picture is around April, that was the moment when my campus organization; which
is called AMSA (Asian Medical Students Association), held an exchange program
named AMSEP (Asean Medical Students Exchange Program). So basically AMSEP is
one of AMSA's yearly program. And I obviously work as the AMSEP officer of AMSA
Unhas of my period, and my duty is to make sure this program works out well
either to convince more delegates from different country to come into our
campus. At the time we were holding the exchange program between Unhas and UMS
(Universiti of Malaysia Sabah). We're hosted them for a week and it was a
wonderful experience. I thank God for my job. Because of AMSEP, I have many new
friends from Malaysia and Philippine(we're hosted the Philippines in November
2011. This was the second AMSEP we held) and we're still on contact until now..
I especially got a new best friend from AMSEP :)
picture under the first picture.. well I can tell you that was the coolest
experience I've ever had! Just a week after AMSEP, class of 2011 launched their
inauguration ceremony. And it is an old tradition that each class has to bring
their special performance in front of all the people at the inauguration night.
We worked so hard to prepare the performances, because you know it was a rare
moment; and either becoming the last performance of our class, because we're
the third year, ya know. Everyone is graduating soon. We brought them salsa,
disco dance, India, handmime, and the masterpiece was the... FLASHMOB! In the
end of the night, all of us, yes ALL of ous (90 people or so) did the flashmob
dance. We've been practicing for 2 weeks every day after class, and I almost
got frustrated because I need to gather so many persons to make the flashmob. I
was pessimistic until the last day, but thank God, we finally made it. It was
amazing; everyone's say so. We ruled the ballroom, and our lecturers can't
close their mouth while watching all of us dance. YEAAAH! To make it clear, I
think I may add that I was the leader and project officer of our flashmob :D. I always want to
involved in a flashmob.. and that was such a wonderful
feeling to make it happened. If you want to see the video, I have the video,
and also all the photos... Ah, I am starting to bore you, right? Hahaha!
The third
picture, upper right, is when my faculty held the Munas (Musyawarah Nasional) AMSA Indonesia, last June. We're becoming the host for the annual national
meeting. The teamwork was created since March and I was one of them.. I can say
that this event pushed me the most to work hard.. Because unlike others, it
needs so much money. My weeks passed with taking the event's proposals to many
companies. I am not really into this kind of job.. If choosing is impossible, I
would place myself into creative team instead of bureaucracy and
fundraising.. But a duty is a duty, so I did it. Thank God over and over again,
the event finished successfully, even we're need to really, really, worked our
ass off. The delegates around Indonesia gave positive feedbacks and how to
say..? Ah.. What I want to deliver is, dana buat acaranya ga kekurangan,
jadinya malah plus :'D
The last
picture waass me singing in choir.. Yes, I joined a new choir. Our name is Makassar Choral Society or usually called
as MCS. We're consist of various group of people around Makassar. There are
college students like me, and there are also high school students and working
people. We're united in the same hobby; singing, and passed through the the
open audition. The nicest thing is the fact that daily rehearsal takes place near my house. I've been spending my days with them until now. During my exam weeks, singing in choir became my escape to relieve the stress. A good thing to do. I like them a
Well, now I think it explains my absence, right? I always want to
share all of them :)
Good memories are to be written, because memory fades, but
words are forever.