
Time For Some (Serious) Musicals

By Liku Layuk Allo - January 17, 2013

So! A Few days ago I was in the cinema watching a movie called "Les Miserables". I didn't expect it to be a whole sung-through movie, even I knew that the movie's genre is a musical drama. I think I heard about it before, but honestly I didn't really know the story before I watch the movie. And right after that, I can't wait to find out more about the root of the story. It's a very well-known tale of old French era; and since its original publication, Les Misérables has been the subject of a large number of adaptations in numerous types of media, such as books, films, musicals, plays and games. You can check more complete information in here

First off, I want to say this to all the non-musical fans out there: Musicals aren't for everyone. Considering the musical is getting on for three hours, you have to prepare your ears for hearing all the dialogues sung (trust me, I laughed at first minutes). But when you get through it, you will not regret spending three hours for some beautiful melodies and touching scenes. Well, but as I say again, if you don't like musical drama, don't bother watching this.

A very well done movie. The actors are sensational. Anne Hathaway only has around 15 minutes of screen time, but she's utterly heartbreaking as Fantine and her rendition of I Dreamed a Dream (filmed in a single take) is nothing short of EXTRAORDINARY. Hugh Jackman is terrific as Jean Valjean, nailing the songs and delivering haunted performance that is soooo..moving, and there's also equally good work from both Eddie Redmayne (playing Marius) and Samantha Barks (playing Eponine) whom deliver tissues-at-the-ready performances of their big numbers. I also like the little Gavroche whom played really good, his character is simple but somehow symbolize all the fights told in the story.

Hathaway's single-take performance of "I Dreamed A Dream" is every bit as terrific as you've heard, easily the best version of this iconic song that I've ever heard. 

I will not watch Oscar anymore if she doesn't win Best Supporting Actress this year.
Fabulous! Beautiful, heartbreaking! *sob*

I also like the France Revolution-number: "Do You Hear the People Sing?". Epicness. And I think I am getting very attracted to Eddie Redmayne whom played Marius, because he's such a great actor and has a great voice as well! The freckles are sexy and he got this mysterious-royal-looking...a British guy. Oh my.

Samantha Barks, from my perspective, is the best singer in the group. She sounded like the most trained, and her rendition of On My Own is becoming my second favorite after Anna's. The one-sided-love scene is beautiful...and sad.. and beautiful.

Talking about Hugh Jackman, he was awesome. Actually my favorite performance of him is the "Look Down" number on the prologue of the movie, but unfortunately I didn't found the video anywhere.. I really want to show Jackman's look, but all the best I can get is here.. This one is "The Confrontation" number feat Russel Crowe (Inspector Javert)
Look. Hugh Jackman's eyes. That pain. Damn.

I think I will end up posting every clips in the movie if you won't stop me, so I will stop myself :)). The ending was wonderful. I have seen the stage show and the film does have the fire and inspiration of a good night. It's worth watching!

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