Some Morning Words

By Liku Layuk Allo - February 27, 2010

I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I want to take, all the books I want to read, and all the friends I want to see.

I've been paid every days to keep busy-ing myself in the middle of something. So that's what I chose to take, and I'll keep moving on with my decision.
I used to gave up. I used to grumpy.
Then I realized that I'm too much precious when I think I was not.
Bad ideas has been there. It's a kind of my bad ones. My bad self-thinking. Always being down, always being negative one.

I guess that's life. Your mood swings, and your feelings play with you. We get lost sometimes, and we can't make up our minds. So let's wake up.
Let myself thinking like this:
'hey, you know what? they need me !'

and a short chat with my lovely senior in a night, that keep returns in my mind when I feel like falling down:
"..he single handedly pick the whole team, and why would he doesn't like you?"

It is.
why am I worrying too much?

Ah, as if he was here, stands beside me as well.. But he was not.
Where are you babe?
It's been 5 days since your last call. Our last fight.

I'm a way too much need you.

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  1. Wow, baru nemu nih blog! Blognya kk liku. Penampilan blog yang segar! Isinya juga lumayan keren! Btw, kunjungi punyaku juga yah! :)

  2. hey.. thanks udah blogwalkin :)
    sering-sering mampir dan komen yah!
