The Secrets Of The Immortal Nicholas Flamel

By Liku Layuk Allo - May 02, 2013

"The Secrets of The Immortal Nicholas Flamel" Series
Author : Michael Scott

First, you need to read the plot overview here.

Done? Ok. Lanjut.

I just finished the sixth book this morning, and it successfully triggered me to get my ass in front of my desk and write a review about it, finally, after being absent in such a long time!

I think the first book (The Alchemyst) is published in 2007, and the rest were released at the rate of one per year, concluding The Enchantress in 2012.

After five books, I was really expecting The Enchantress to blow the series out. Unfortunately, it didn't. 

Buku pertama, kedua dan ketiga bagus. Ceritanya jelas, tokoh-tokohnya berkarakter kuat, pengembangan cerita bagus dan setiap bab selalu diakhiri dengan ending menggantung, dilanjutkan dengan bab baru dengan perpindahan lokasi yang baru. Hal ini membuat seri ini menjadi seru dan berciri khas, tapi siapa yang menyangka kalo repetisi "rumus" ini bakalan menjadi momok di dua buku terakhir?

I think Michael Scott trying waay to hard to impress us. Scott is telling us on how deathly the villains and monsters are, but in fact they turn out to be -puff!- easily in one of the twin's hand. Seriously, what? This happened all the time, and after a while, I don't take any monsters or deathly creatures-explained in the story-seriously. I know they will just lose in minutes when Sophie and Josh coming for them. Sounds sarcastic? Well maybe I am. But if you read the book, you will understand.

For me, there's so many characters, I had a hard time remembering who they were, but come on. The entire series is called NICHOLAS FLAMEL!! So why did he spend half of the book feeding his aura to Aerop-Enap? The beginning was a lot better, but Flamel should have been there with the twins at the end. Ah yes, the twins, or apparently, not twins. TERUS MEREKA SAPOSEH??*emosi*. Really wished I had some answers there. Through the entire series, it's been Sophie and Josh, together. Saving the world and each other's butts pretty equally. But in Enchantress, Josh does most of the saving, and saves the world ENTIRELY on his own. That was disappointing. We want more of Sophie, or at least, equally same portion with Josh. And the whole parents thing-Isis and Osiris-is so weird to me, and they were pathetic and silly as Earthlords.. The ending is shocking but somehow not in a good way. The fact that Josh is actually the same person with Marethyu left me devastated. Ya Allaah, William Scott.... Sebenarnya sih eke don't mind lah, tapi peran Sophie benar-benar dilupakan di akhir cerita, mau jadi apa dia jadinya? Dan Flamel couple kok bisa hadir di kawinan Niten-Aoife, katanya dibawa Marethyu ke Paris buat mati? Terus peran Nicholas Flamel di serial ini apa? Cuma itu aja? Menjaga buku, terus sisanya jagain si kembar, tapi akhirnya kok neka ga bersama si kembar... Sedih. Harusnya bukunya judulnya The Secret of the Legendary Twin kali ya...

Banyak peran-peran yang metong a.k.a mati nda jelas di kisah ini, entah apa karena 2 buku terakhir bacanya dalam bahasa Inggris jadi kurang sempurna dalam menangkap emosi yang sesungguhnya, but I think Scott is in hurry to finish the damn book so he seemed to forget some details and essences. Sungguh mengecewakan, secara tiga buku pertama mayan keren ya, akhirnya bener-bener anti klimaks dan bikin menderita... Dengar-dengar Scott mau lanjut dengan buku barunya, serial The Earthlords. Eke absen deh.. 

But, if you are a fiction-literature junkie, these series is worth collected. Oh I forget to add the fact that it has the best covers. Yes, the covers are very cool. Maybe even the best covers among all fiction I've seen.

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  1. penasaran dengan ini buku. ada ngak teks indonesia nih sist ?

  2. iya ada, setau saya translate-annya baru sampai The Necromancer :)

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